Oh yeah baby - this
Burnt Sugar Ice Cream tastes as good as it sounds. I love all things caramel, but have avoided making it from scratch --- I guess I've experienced one too many burnt sugar messes. This time, I watched my sugar like a hawk.
The caramel base starts with sugar and a little water which is dissolved into a syrup. Now, it's time to watch carefully:

Nope, it's not ready yet:

Oh yes, that deep amber color:

Now, the exciting part --- pouring the milk and cream into the boiling burnt sugar syrup:

This burnt sugar/cream mixture is combined with egg yolks to create the ice cream base. After the ice cream is churned and rests in the freezer, I'm ready to dig in. If you noticed, there is only one bowl...my hubs doesn't like caramel...this ice cream is all mine!

This ice cream had a wonderfully soft, almost velvety texture and it was super easy to scoop.
The burnt sugar imparts a slightly bitter flavor, which contrasts wonderfully with the subtle sweetness of the ice cream. My taste buds were very happy.
Thanks to Becky of Project Domestication for a fantastic pick this week! Make sure to visit Becky's blog for this unbelievably delicious ice cream recipe.
I have GOT to get BRAVER next time and let mine go as dark as yours. I think I probably missed the hole burnt sugar point, but I had a nice caramel ice cream, definitely worth a repeat. Might just live on the edge and see if I can get closer to yours in color. I love how you decorated your little ice cream carton, how clever is that?? Very cute.
I love the hue of your caramel ice cream! I wasted couple batches of sugar before getting it right the 3rd time but still, I'd prefer a darker color. NIce work!
Linda, so cute! Love that ice cream container. You could so sell this crack, I mean ice cream. - mary
Wow, you really let the caramel get very dark - I'm with Kayte, I'm never that brave :) We're not big caramel ice cream fans so this one wasn't a repeat, but it seems to have been incredibly popular with most of the TWD'ers. Your container for the ice cream is fabulous!
Awesome - this looks SO delish! I love a good caramel ice cream, and this one looks particularly amazing. Also - love the cute ice cream container!
Yum this looks amazing. You let your sugar go so dark which gives your ice cream an amazing colour. Much braver than me, I so would have whipped the pan off the heat when the mixture was tinged yellow in fear of setting my house alight!!
Your ice cream looks so good! You were much braver with the caramel than me. I must try and let it go a bit darker next time :-)
I would've never been able to take that picture with the caramel still heating! It makes me too nervous. Your icecream has such a pretty colour to it.
Oh...your texture looks perfection.
that's so cute... the little label and personalized ice cream container for the ice cream.
he doesn't like caramel--what the?? yes, more for you, and it looks fab!
Your photos prove I was way too anxious about burning the caramel. I will have to try it again. I love your special ice cream cartons!
Your pictures are so pretty! I'm getting an ice cream maker in a week as a late b-day present. This ice cream is definitely on my to-make list!
There is no way I would have been brave enuff to let it go that long. Looks perfect.
love the containers.
ok, now that's the perfect color.
Your honey doesn't like caramel? Lucky! More for you indeed.
Love your ice cream container..very cute.
Yup, your color is perfect! I love how creamy it looks.
I must make this. Now. I'm kind of like your husband in that I don't like hard caramel candy but I love anything with caramel...especially ice cream!
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