Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chunky Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Chocolate Chipsters (TWD)

Is it really Labor Day already? Where has my summer gone... in the kitchen perhaps? Anyways, as my weekend is jam packed, this post is going to be brief. This week's Tuesdays With Dorie selection, Chunky Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Chocolate Chipsters (is that a mouthful or what), comes to us courtesy of Stefany of Proceed With Caution.

(BTW, these cookies were sent to a special group of people, which I wrote about here.)
I definitely second Dorie's recommendation for chilling the dough overnight. Freshly mixed, the dough was sticky and a little difficult to handle. Chilled overnight, the dough had a nice consistency to create uniformly shaped drop cookies.

Fresh from the oven, these cookies retained a nice chunky look.

I had one cookie (not a big PB dessert fan), and...

my DH enjoyed a stack of them!

The oatmeal provided a nice bite and texture, and the cookie imparted a balanced amount of peanut and chocolate flavors. I'm not sure if I will repeat this recipe (the Granola Grabbers was much more to my liking). Still, if you're a PB and chocolate fan, this cookie should satisfy your craving.

For the recipe, visit Stefany's site. To see how my fellow 250+ bakers did, visit the TWD blogroll.


  1. Your cookies look really nice!!

    My post will be up later tonight, I have to squeeze blogging into my schedule today as I'm at work at the moment and have a birthday tonight.

  2. Your pictures are so pretty! I like how chunky and perfectly browned they look. If only I wasn't a pb lover.. I had 6!

  3. beautiful photos, one and all!

  4. I won't be making these again either.

  5. Like you I am not a PB fan, though I have been known to have a PBJ sandwich on occasion. I am an oatmeal fan though so these look good to me. Great photos, btw.

  6. Your pictures are great, they really capture the texture of the cookies.

  7. They look great!!! Love the pictures!!


  8. I love your pictures! Sorry you weren't a big fan of these, at least they still got eaten!

  9. love the texture in your cookies, they look wonderful!

  10. Well, they sure do look great! Sorry you weren't a big fan - I'm not sure I've ever really met a cookie I didn't love lol!

  11. i wasn't a huge fan either - but yours look so great! gorgeous pics...

  12. fantastic photos - your cookies lok delicious!

  13. Those are great looking cookies. I really liked the texture of them as well.

  14. i love the edgey just out of oven look as well!

  15. Those pictures are SO gorgeous! Wow those look like some perfect cookies! Sorry you didn't like them, though :(

  16. Great pictures! Yours look like they turned out great!


  17. Your photography is wonderful! I sent mine away as well. Hope they enjoy as much as you did!

  18. I did like these chunky cookies, but I wasn't head over heels about them. Luckily, my boyfriend works for computer games company and those boys love cookies!
