I know I've said this about several of the previous Tuesday With Dorie recipes, but I think this is one of my favorites to date! I {heart} cinnamon, so I was super excited to see a recipe where it is showcased front and center. This recipe keeps things simple, with just some espresso and chocolate to complement the cinnamon flavor.

For the layer running through the middle of the cake, I used 1/4 cup bittersweet chocolate chips and 1/2 cup Guittard cappucino chips which I found at World Market (I love this store!):

All you need to do is combine the dry ingredients in one bowl, the wet ingredients in another, then gently combine. The final touch is gently mixing in a healthy amount of melted butter. If you follow these simple steps, you will be rewarded with a wonderful cake with a an impossibly moist and tender crumb.
The smell of this baking in the oven was intoxicating! I had to restrain myself from eating this warm right out of the oven.

This recipe is easy enough that I can actually imagine waking up bleary-eyed in the morning to get this prepped and in the oven. By the time I have a few cups of coffee and read the newspaper, this beautiful cake will be baked and ready to be devoured with...well, a few more cups of coffee! Okay, I'll admit it--- I'm a total caffeine junkie!
Thank you Tracey of Tracey's Culinary Adventures for selecting this delicious recipe! If you can't get enough of this cake, make sure to visit the TWD blogroll to see more delicious creations.

I'm a total caffeine junkie too and I've had this recipe bookmarked for a while. I was going to use cinnamon chips in the center but now I'm going to use cappuccino chips instead!
You know Guittard discontinued these chips, don't you? I went to World Market and bought them out. I'm embarrassed to say how many I actually purchased :-)
These look incredible and I've moved this recipe further up on my list!
beautiful! this is delicious, isn't it?!
suis jalouse Linda, je n'ai pas eu un aussi beau glaçage, mais suis nulle avec le chocolat ( le pire pour moi, étant de travailler le chocolat blanc :(
On pourrait presque manger l'écran, tellement tes photos sont appétissantes :)
Yours are beautiful!! This is one of my favourites too. I love the cinnamon and coffee together. Next time I'm adding the chocoalte
Linda, your cake looks achingly good! So moist! And the frosting on top...wow! I really loved this recipe, too. I could barely contain myself while it was baking, it smelled so good. I have to say it's one of my favorites, too. Fantastic!
Your swirl is gorgeous!
It was a fabulous cake.
I think these are your best photos yet!! If I hadn't already decided to give this a try then your post would have done it!
I know you're hoping to open your own bakery but I really think your future may lay in photography. (&,YES, I think everything you make is awesome!)
Linda, yours look PERFECTO!
Love the cake and frosting . . . all it needs right now is a bite from me!
I bet those cappucino chips are amazing... now I have to stop at World Market in the next few days to get some! Your squares are gorgeous, great job!
ohhhh cappucchino chips!
i luved this TWD too :)
This is the perfect cake for serving with coffee! Great idea to use cappuccino chips (I love World Market, too!)
Phew.... those look incredibly moist and chewy... and with cappucino chips, hummmm... must be divine!
Some of the best looking I've seen today! Bravo!
i love the melty, gooey look!
they look so moist and tasty!!
oh my goodness...I want to dive into that frosting!!!
Unbelievable photos!
amazing amazing amazing!
YOur squares look wonderful. It was a great recipe. I loved them too.
Your cake looks great, and the cappuccino chips sound like a great addition!
Wow, they look so amazing and totally perfect. I also love world market, one of my favorite stores.
Wow I've never seen cappuccino chips before--I bet they were great! Your frosting looks fabulous too!
Thanks for baking with me this week! I can't believe how gorgeous your photos are - wonderful job! I really want to find some cappuccino chips - I've never seem them in stores around here but they sound yummy.
I never thought about the possibility of making these first thing in the morning. Very doable, very dangerous!
this was one of my favorites too! love your pics, especially the shiny frosting
Those look amazing. I didn't know they made cappuccino chips. Learn something new everyday.
Wow, your Cinnamon Squares look AMAZING! You can tell they're really moist in the photos and the frosting looks soo lush! I wish I had a piece right now!!
Your cinnamon squares look so moist and yummy! I love the layer of chocolate frosting on top too.
wow! Your pictures are amazing! If you didn't mind, could you tell us what kind of camera do you use? Excited to see you post for tomorrow! Thanks!
Hi, blog hopped from Piggy's site... your site is awesome with so many fantastic recipes. I love this chocolate cake, look at it... so glossy and shinning!
You are AWESOME!!! I'm afraid to look at all your recipes! I'll want to bake all week!
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