Take a glass and add one scoop of Dorie Greenspan's fantastic vanilla ice cream,


As I'm writing this post, I am craving the crazy delicious Root Beer Float at Michael Mina - home brewed root beer, sasparilla ice cream, and root beer granita. Served alongside this delicious concoction are warm chocolate chip cookies. My tummy is growling!
Dorie Greenspan's vanilla ice cream is delicious! Her recipe uses a 50/50 ratio of milk and heavy cream, which is unlike the heavy cream dominant recipes that I'm typically used to. The ice cream is wonderfully rich and creamy, and for what it's worth, I'm happy to save a few fat calories going with the 50/50 ratio.
Thank you Lynne of Cafe LynnyLu for a perfect summer dessert recipe! If you'd like the recipe, please visit Lynne's blog. My fellow TWD bakers have also been churning up a storm, so make sure to peruse the TWD blogroll.
Amazing recipe. Beautiful! I want to sit in a cafe and sip one.
Looks fabulous.
I never thought about making sorbet with root beer before.
Oh...looks sooooo good. Mine is in the freezer now. And I have some rootbeer at home so I might be making this! - mary
My son Jalen would go crazy for this! Thanks for the "recipe" I'm going to surprise! :)
Root beer sorbet? Oh yeah, I am totally heading to the store to pick up some root beer.
That looks so good! I actually had a root beer float with some other homemade vanilla ice cream and it is the best thing for summer. beautiful pics. I agree with you about vanilla ic. It goes with everything and anything
OMG! You are totally bad ass for referencing Michael Mina! YES, I always crave his root beer floats! FUNNY!
I am a sucker for root beer floats and your pictures have inspired me to make some this weekend!
Awesome awesome awesome.
OMG. I love it. I'll have to try it. YUM.
Your root beer float looks spectacular. I can't wait to try the root beer sorbet!
Now, I am definitely going to have make myself one of these. I can't believe I didn't think to make a root beer float! So goooood.
ohh, that looks SO good. I love root beer floats!
wow...that looks so good I nearly wanted to lick my computer screen!
wow now I really want a root beer float!
I must have mis-read the recipe (not unusal for me!!) as I made mine 2/3 milk to 1/3 cream. it was still deliciously creamy
I don't like root beer, but oddly enough, I'd like to try this! Looks great.
That looks perfect for a summer afternoon! Thanks for the sorbet recipe, how refreshing.
Oh. My. Now I know what I have to get today. ROOTBEER! This looks fantastic!
That sounds amazing. I'm adding rootbeer to my shopping list!
Love the root beer float! Root beer floats are insanely popular with my husband's family :)
Holy cow, that's awesome looking! YUM!
Root beer float. I haven't had one in years. But tomorrow is the day. Yours looks too good to pass up.
Love the progression from empty glass to full-on root beer float with a lovely straw in it! And root beer sorbet sounds wonderful!
as i was reading along, i thought, "that looks just like the float at michael mina," which i had at his place in vegas! yum--now i crave it, too!!
OH MY GOD STOP IT! SERIOUSLY! OK, See... now Root Beer Floats are my boyfriend's favorite thing in the world. And this may just very well be the best rootbeer float idea I have ever seen! With root beer SORBET?! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!! MUST MAKE!
okay, root beer floats are good, but i've never had anything better than a ginger ale float. have you tried that? frankly, i buy vanilla ice cream for that very purpose. :)
nicely done, linda!
Wow you just made me realize i have not had a root beer float all summer! I think I need to make this ice cream (and the sorbet too--why not?) and remedy that immediately!
Wow! That's just what I need to make to deal with this heat wave we are having. I have eaten all the ice cream thought. What could I possible do? Good to know Michael Mina serves up a mean root beer float. I have to go look in my Michael Mina cookbook to see if it's in there, though I am not sure I want to take on making home brewed root beer.
You totally win. Root beer sorbet! Genius. I'll have to try that next time. Nothing like a root beer float to make everything better.
Root beer sorbet? I would have never thought of that. Great idea. Can't wait to try it out! =)
That looks like the most perfect RBF I've ever seen!
oh my goodness, there are few things I love more in life than a root beer float - and yes, it HAS to be A&W! This is making me not just thirsty but hungry (??) right now!
That is a phenomenal looking root beer float! I love it! I played around with Dorie's recipe instead of keeping it simple and making it as written. I can't wait to try it again the way she intended :)
Yum! I could go for some of that right now in our So Ca heat! Looks great! A&W is the best, IMO! =)
Your post inspired me to serve root beer floats for dessert last night and they were great. Michael Mina's cookbook does have his recipe for root beer floats and it was great, but I wasn't able to get sarsaparilla extract for the ice cream, so I went with vanilla. Thanks for the idea. Root beer sorbet makes the difference!
What a lovely way to serve vanilla ice cream! My girls love root beer so know they would love this combination. Thanks for making Dorie's recipe with me.
thats the darn cutest float i ever did see :p
i am loving your blog!
You know, I'm surrounded by French people (from France)... my bubie is French, many of my friends are too. And to them, rootbeer tastes like a medication the dentist give you to gargle with when infected, therefor, they find rootbeer to be the most disgusting drink they've tasted! (And one must admit, rootbeer in the old days, started by being just that: medicine).
But I LOOOOOOOOOVE rootbeer! And when I make myself that wonderful luscious super mouthwatering float of yours, it'll just be more for me... then, I'll go and have bubie smell my breath (oh! just for the fun of it!!!) LOL LOL LOL
Thank you so much for sharing Linda!
Wow that's fantastic!!! Root beer sorbet sounds very intriguing, is it difficult to make? I mean, how long does it freeze? Just as usual (e.g. citrus) sorbet?.. very interesting...
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