To accompany the cornbread, I made a Cuban-style black bean soup (not to digress, but the soup was DELICIOUS, and you can find the recipe here).
Overall, I liked the flavor and spice of this cornbread recipe, and it's definitely a departure from the sweeter style cornbread that I'm partial to. Next time, I would definitely double the amount of the corn, red pepper, and cilantro, as I really enjoyed the addition of these fresh ingredients. My only minor complaint... the texture. My cornbread turned out extremely crumbly and it was really messy to eat. Maybe it was the cornmeal I used --- didn't have stone ground, so used the box of Alber's sitting in my pantry.

I have a mini cast iron skillet.
Maybe I ought to use that for supper tonight since I'm making them again.
Mini cast iron skillet?! How cute is that!!!! Looks great!
Ooh, the skillet is a great idea. I'm going to have to try this... wait, what's this post below? Chocolate mousse cake??!!!
Now why didn't I think of the mini cast iron when it is sitting in my pantry. Mine were awfully crumbly too, but good. Yours looks great!
I love that you made them in a skillet. Looks wonderful!
Looks great! Love the skillet!
Totaly traditional... the whole thing in a heavy skillet! YUM!
Brilliant, Linda!
Great idea to bake it old-fashion style in a skillet! Nice job.
my muffins were crumbly too. I like how you have made the muffins into cornbread in the skillet!
WOW! This looks so good! I actually have one of these...somewhere. My Mom always made a skillet sized hamburger in it or a fried egg. They always came out fantastic...I bet this was GREAT!
woww, great job!
i loved how it's baked in a skillet. great touch!
What a great idea. Love the skillet touch. Yes, fabulous wih chili. Your photos are great. Looks delectable!
What a great idea to bake it in a cast iron skillet! It looks delicious (and I can tell it has that wonderful crunchy exterior cornbread should have!)
Everyone seems to share the same thrill for baking a savory item this week. I love the idea of baking in a mini cast iron pan. I have one, yet it never occurred to me.
your cornbread looks great!! I never would have thought to use the cast iron pan. I thought I was being clever making mini muffins. haha!
Hooray for cast iron! I agree, next time I'm going to bump up the veggies a little. I liked the chunkitude.
Looks great in the skillet! Mine were really crumbly, too but I still loved them!
Your skillet cornbread looks gorgeous! Great job!
even if it was crumbly, it looks really tasty! love that little pan (and black bean soup, too)!
I came over here to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving the positive comment, and then I saw the picture of the chocolate mousse cake in your previous post, and all I could think was "I want some!" It looks fabulous!
I love what you did with this recipe! I love your mini-skillet. Well done!
MMMmmmm. That looks just lovely! Hanging in here with the cold. -15 right now. -35 with the wind chill. Some hot cornbread would hit the spot.
I was so happy to see this week's choice was savory, what a nice change! I love your idea of the mini cast iron skillet, very cute. :)
i've heard a few complain of the crumbly texture but i did not have that problem. not sure why...though i think like you said it might be due to the type of cornmeal used. great job, regardless.
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